FINT will attend the IoT Solutions World Congress


FINT will participate with FIWARE to the IoT Solutions World Congress, in Barcelona, on the 3-5/10/17. They will present QUHOMA platform (QUalitative HOrticulture MArketplace). This is a multi-stakeholder platform for Smart and Collaborative Farming based on FIWARE software tools and FINT’s IoT devices (FINoT). Sensors’ data are visualized and offered as downloadable files posted as service offerings in a common marketplace; in which access to additional farmers and mentors/ agronomists is given (QUHOMA community). In QUHOMA Marketplace every stakeholder can prosume Data/Information or Knowledge As A Service and the vision is to serve as the required common ground for a mainstream fact-based, knowledge intensive Agriculture. Last, QUHOMA features will be enriched with the smart irrigation functionality developed within INCOVER project, covering extra farming needs and targeting additional business partners. 

Finally, visitors will be introduced to FINT’s portfolio of off-the-shelf IoT solutions in the area of Smart Outdoor Lighting and Smart Cities.  

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