INCOVER Final meeting in Almeria, Spain



All INCOVER partners met in Almeria for the last meeting of INCOVER project, on the 9th and 10th July.

This meeting was an opportunity for each partner to present the results achieved for the technologies developed on each case-study. The discussions were fruitful and permitted to finalize the last reports of the project.

The results were also presented and discussed during the third Advisory Board, bringing together 5 participants from EUREAU, Agracor, CEDEX, Region of Attica and COPA-COGECA.

Advisory bord participants and ICLEI




On the second day, a field visit was organized on Case Study 2, in El Toyo wastewater treatment plant, managed by AQUALIA.

Peder Gregerson (RECIRKU) and Carlos Arias (Aarhus University) presenting planted filters


Harris Moysiadis (Future Intelligence) presenting smart irrigation system


The third Innovation Workshop took place on the afternoon, with participants from EGEH, Bourges Plus, OIEau, Severn Trent, Aguas do Norte and the Catalan Water Agency. A special masterclass was given by Gaetane Suzenet, from International Impact Partners to learn about commercial support opportunities to accelerate commercialisation of research results.

Innovation workshop participants and Luz Herrero (AIMEN)

The project will officially end in September, after the final review meeting.

Where to find INCOVER results ?

  • In the documents section of the website,  where scientific publications and public deliverables are available
  • On INCOVER community on ZENODO
  • by subscribing to our newsletter to be sure to receive the last INCOVER newsletter (in September 2019) !