Porto Water Innovation Week 24-30/09/17 and EIP water conference


With some 500-600 participants, this annual conference brings together policymakers, national and local government, operators, scientists, researchers, technology companies, financiers, start-ups, SMEs, utilities, city planners, industrial producers, journalists and EU institutions at the European, national and regional level to break down the barriers to innovation in the sector. 

During this Conference, Aqualia will give two presentations which will include INCOVER information to disseminate the project among the attendees. One of the presentations will be part of the “Innovations for implementing EU water legislation” panel where the key challenges to innovation when implementing European water directives will be treated and the other will be part of the “Water and the circular economy, part 2 – agriculture” panel.

Frank Rogalla, Jose Vazquez and Eva Martinez, from FCC AQUALIA, will participate in two presentations:

  • Wastewater – source of bioenergy and clean water: The All-Gas and Incover demonstration Projects -  Eva Martinez, Head of Smart Services, FCC Aqualia
  • Curving the line to accelerated resource recovery: the Life Memory, INCOVER and RUN4LIFE projects, and a closer look at resource recovery factories-  Jose Vazquez, Head of Quality, R&D, FCC Aqualia

Moreover, Luz Herrero and Juan A. Alvarez from AIMEN will attend the site event Boosting Research & Innovation in the Water Sector: The Impact of EU-funded actions in Porto on the 29th of September. For more information on this event see:  https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/news/boosting-research-and-innovation-wate...

See also the full programme of the EIP Water Innovation Conference here : http://portowaterinnovationweek.eu/eip