
This event was organized in the frame of the H2020 project Transfer of INNOvative techniques for sustainable WAter use in FERtigated crops (Fertinnowa) in Almeria on the 3-5 October 2018. This conference provided the European horticulture sector an opportunity to learn, exchange experiences and identify growers’ needs for optimal irrigation and fertigation management. More than 250 participants from all over Europe attended the congress.

Aqualia has exhibited and presented in an oral session different technologies focused on producing irrigation water and bioproducts from wastewater; such is the case of INCOVER.

Local and international stakeholders have been identified to find potential investors for the INCOVER technologies.


Raul Cano presenting INCOVER results in Fertinnowa congress


Stand from Aqualia in Fertinnowa congress with a INCOVER project panel, among others


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